Monday, October 31, 2011

Eventful week

What a week we had last week. I was home with Jack while Eric's parent re-cooperated from an upper respiratory cold. I was with him Monday - Thursday am. It was so nice being there with him and I was able to get some work done while he played. Tuesday night we were up from 2-5am because he had a bad dream (I think) and then we were up just as long Wed night/Thurs am.

Jack was starting to get stuffy and had a runny nose. I thought it was the flu mist he got Tuesday afternoon. Turns out it was a respiratory virus that he picked up somewhere. Wed night around 1:45 am, he woke up crying and coughing and had a hard time breathing. Eric and I tried to run a hot shower thinking the steam would help his breathing but Jack was too upset and would not calm down to allow it to work. He kept telling me that he needed medicine and that his throat was hurting. I gave him water and noticed he was shaking. At that moment I told Eric that we needed to get to a hospital. It was the longest ride of my life. Jack was struggling, crying, coughing, and very upset. We finally get to the ER and the triage nurse said he had croup. This is something Eric knows about well. He and both of his parents suffered with this when they were children.

Once we got into a room, the staff gave him a breathing treatment, which opened up Jack's airway and he was able to breath within a few minutes. His O2 was 93 so they decided to give him steroids to open things up a little faster. Once Jack could breath easily again, he was so happy and chatty. The doctors observed him until 4:45am and we went home. Jack was asleep before we hit the highway. We were told that croup is caused by a respiratory virus and because children have small airways anyway, the irritation and swelling in that area can cause difficulty breathing. Cold air can help open things up so we'll try that should this happen again. It was such a scary thing to go through and to see your child in panic is worse. He is now suffering through the cold but doing much better. We were both up by 8:30am and other than an occasional cough, you couldn't tell anything happened. Jack was his happy self.

Sunday we decorated pumpkins and they turned out pretty well. Tonight we will trick-or-treat by visiting family in the area. I can't see Jack going up to a strangers house and I think he'll like seeing people he knows. He is going to dress-up as a Carolina Panther. Pictures to come!

The baby is doing well. I think I felt movement over the weekend but can't be sure. I didn't feel it again so it could have been something else. I have an appointment tomorrow that should be uneventful. I will talk to the doctor about not inducing. We'll see what he says. I also have my hematologist appointment on Thursday. He will just test my blood levels and I will likely not have to see him again until Feb or so. At the hospital Jack said he thinks we will have a girl with pretty hair. :) We'll know soon enough.

Monday, October 17, 2011

I think the morning sickness is gone! 15w2d

I woke up on Saturday with NO SICKNESS! None! It just hit me while I was making breakfast, that I felt normal, and I felt pretty great all day. Sunday rolls around and I still felt pretty good! Here we are on Monday and I think I might be cured. :) It was 15 weeks on the dot last Saturday.

Jack and I also listened to the heartbeat on Saturday and it was 151...still thinking it's a boy. So the only things that are still sticking around are feelings of being tired even after 9 hours of sleep and this bad taste in my mouth ALL THE TIME. This is definitely pregnancy related. I didn't have it with Jack but it started soon after I got pregnant with #2. Yuck!

Next week I go in for my 16 week appointment. It will be pretty routine but one step closer to seeing my baby again on November 11!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Not feeling exactly like I thought I would be

Throwing up in the car, on the way to work is not exactly how I thought I would be feeling at 14w4d. Fortunately I had a grocery bag. I have been off of the prometrium for two weeks now and this week has been pretty bad. I was feeling much better by 13 1/2 weeks with Jack. Could this mean a girl? I stopped taking my B6/Unisom cocktail for the nausea because I WAS feeling better. It looks like I'm going to have to start taking that again. At least I know this will eventually end - I just hope it ends way sooner than delivery day.

Jack has names picked out: Sir Topham Hat if it is a boy and Sir Topham hat Girl if it is a girl :) For those not schooled in the Thomas the Train cartoon, Sir Topham Hat is the Director of the railway and Jack LOVES Thomas. He also likes the name, Jackson Leo Hudson, which he doesn't seem to mind sharing. :) Jack still seems excited. I told him we would have to get through Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, his birthday, and then the baby would come. He brought me a little heart sticker and said it's Valentine's Day! :) He is so sweet.

I think I might have felt the baby moving around. It's hard to tell and still so early but it's possible! The picture posted is me at 14 weeks.