Wednesday, March 14, 2012

36w 4d No change

Bummer! I have been having lots of contractions both painful and not. Yesterday I had them from 3pm through the night and then this am, which resulted in NO CHANGE. I am still 1cm and 0% effaced. How is that possible?!

I suppose I should be thankful b/c I want the baby to stay in there as long as he can but I was really thinking it could happen soon. I guess it still could but it doesn't seem that way anymore.

Anyway, I'm pretty tired these days because sleeping is not comfortable and I'm pretty hot most of the time. My weight gain is still good and everything looks great so I should be thankful. Jack's birthday party is March 31 so it would be great if I made it to that point. Eric and I also want to take him on an Amtrack Train ride to Burlington on March 23rd as part of his birthday. He is going to FLIP out!

I have more housework and work-work than I can possibly do. The baby's room is a wreck and it looks like a bomb of clothes went off in our bedroom. I guess as long as I have a bed for the baby and a paci, I'm good to go.

Ok, it's going to be 80 degrees for the rest of the week (LOVE IT!) and it feels like that now in my office so I'd better get to work before I fall asleep. My next appointment is March 21. I'll update then if not before.

Monday, March 5, 2012

35 weeks 2 days - Head Down!

Today Eric and I went in for a growth ultrasound and I was sure the baby was still transverse because I still feel him on the sides. Well, that must be his little hands because baby boy is head down! He is measuring 6lbs 2oz and looks perfect. We have great pictures of his face and many people think he looks like Jack. I didn't see it at first but maybe so.

I am also 1cm! Last time I was 1cm I had an epidural and my water had broken! I know that I can walk around like this for awhile but the dr. is hopefully that I won't go a full 40 weeks. If I go past 40 weeks, I might have to be induced. Since I'm switching to Heparin, I won't have to be if things happen on time. Hooray!!

I am really excited now but there is still so much to do! I know it doesn't all have to be done but I do need some things like pacifiers, stuff for my pump, sheets on the bassinet. Stuff like that. My next appointment is march 14th so maybe there will be progress by then. I do still have 2 weeks until I am full-term so nothing needs to happen until then.