Friday, April 29, 2011

It Looks Like We're Having a Baby!

Wow, what a week it has been. I told Eric the news the afternoon I found out. I planned to have Jack wearing a shirt that said, I’m the Big Brother. There was a little problem with my plan when I found Jack sleeping all the way home that afternoon. I knew he was going to be cranky and clingy when we got to the house.

When we arrived he seemed excited to go see Daddy so I put the shirt on him but as soon as I put him on the floor, he started crying and didn’t want me to put him down. I quickly took off the shirt and put it in my purse to try again later. 20 minutes past and Eric was outside trying to get the grill started. I put the shirt on Jack and we walked out the front door and around the house to meet him in the back. He didn’t notice Jack’s shirt until I said to Jack, “show daddy your new shirt.” Eric looked, stopped what he was doing and looked at me with a look that said, “are you serious?” Then he got this cute grin on his face.

I think we are both still in shock. I never expected it to be this easy this time around. My due date is January 6. I went to the doctor on April 27th to get everything confirmed and I turned 4 weeks yesterday. Today I went in to have my hormone levels checked to make sure everything is as it should be.

I am getting pretty tired during the day but no morning sickness yet. It didn’t kick in though until 5 weeks with Jack…just the time I am in DC for work. :(

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What the Heck is That?!

O-M-G is that a line?!!!! OMG is all I can say right now. That can’t be a line – can it?? It really looks like one and the other two tests I’ve take were stark white! When I first looked at it this am, I thought, dang it! But then as I looked closer, I saw the faintest of lines! Holy moly. We’re PREGNANT!!! OMG. Can you see it?

Monday, April 25, 2011

I should know better

Well, I tested today at 8 dpo and it was negative of course. I read how most women will get a negative result at 8 dpo because it is just too early but you always hear about those exceptions. I guess I was hoping I would be an exception too. And the waiting continues…

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Are we really ready for this?!

Well here we are again. It’s hard to believe that Eric and I are beginning the journey that is feels like we just completed. The first week of May should tell us if another baby is on the way. Are we really ready to do this again?! I have no idea but we do know that we want another wonderful baby to love as we love Jack.

It’s hard to imagine loving this new baby as much as I love Jack. Part of the reason we waited was because I wasn’t ready to share my life with anyone else, even if it was another child. I like the little bubble that the three of us live in and I didn’t want anything to change. Jack is a pretty attached child that wants his mommy and daddy when he wants them, which seems like all the time. I certainly don’t mind this but I often wonder how we will be able to divide our attention. We’ll figure it out I’m sure and there will be an adjustment period for all of us.

As I write this, I am trying to get through the week but most of my focus is on whether or not this will be the month. I’m trying not to be so “type A” about everything but who am I kidding it’s who I am! As one website put it, “it’s never too early to speculate.” So true. Sometimes I wish I could sleep until next week. Fortunately, this weekend we will celebrate Easter and be busy with all the festivities surrounding this special day. Last year Jack was sick and in no shape for church or an Easter egg hunt. This year will be much different (I hope.)

No one will see this site until we announce the news but I feel like I have to get out this restlessness somehow. With every little pseudo symptom I think, could I feel nauseated because I’m pregnant or because I ate too many chips? Most likely the later…So, as I count down the days, this will be my outlet. I hope you all enjoy the (sometimes crazy) thoughts that I feel like I have to get down on paper. I’m sure one day I will look back on this with fondness and I’m sure my kids will think I’m nuts.

Hoping to post some good news soon!