Thursday, January 19, 2012

New purchase for baby boy! 28w5d

I have to share this purchase from because it is so freakin cute. I can't wait to see my boy in it! We are planning to have professional pictures taken this time and include Jack. I can't wait! We will use the blue bow tie that also comes with it. I figure that by the time the pictures are taken it will be very close to Easter and this is our little Easter bunny! :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

27w 5d So tired

I am so tired. Ever since Christmas, Jack has been waking up between 5:30 – 6:30am with 4:45 and 5am stuck in there. With the 3rd trimester fast approaching and the exhaustion that comes with that, I’m not sure I can continue like this! Ugh, I know I can because I survived on less sleep when Jack was born but it was no fun. I’m not sure what to do with him but I’m hoping he will get back to his regular schedule.

So, Tuesday night I started having contractions around 7:30pm. When I noticed they were happening repeatedly, I started drinking more water and sat down. They were coming every 3 minutes but weren’t painful but were noticeable – like cramping. Then I laid on my side and they slowed down. I wasn’t ever worried because I knew if I called the dr. they would tell me to drink water and lay on my side or go to the ER, which I didn’t think was necessary. The same thing happened with Jack around this time and it was fine. I ended up having 14 contractions in 2 hours or so and then was fine. I called the dr. the next day and they told me that if I consistently get 6 or more in an hour I will need to come into the office.

I have my next appointment on Jan 20, which will be pretty routine. I’ll update after the appointment.

Friday, January 6, 2012

26 w 6d Ultrasound

Eric and I had our appointment today and they did the Gestational Diabetes test, growth ultrasound, and office visit. I passed the GD test (yay!) and my ultrasound was great. The baby was moving around so much and we got to see everything. He is breech at the moment but still has plenty of time to turn. (the picture below shows exactly how he is sitting now.) According to some measurements, he weights 2lb 9oz, which is in the 93 percentile! Woah! Jack was in the 78 percentile at this point. I’m not going to worry about it too much because they were off by almost a pound when Jack was born. I have great pictures of his feet but that’s about it. When the tech turned on the 4d machine, the baby had his hands in front of his face and wouldn’t move them. I did get to see some chubby cheeks though and I swear he looks like Jack. J

I have gained 14 lbs overall, which I am thrilled with! I was sure I gained a lot over the holidays but I was spared. J I am measuring a week ahead (28 weeks), which was the case with Jack too. I am going to start going every two weeks now, which I really can’t believe. I thought that started later. I feel like this train is moving fast now and leaving me behind! I’ve got to get ready.

I will get another growth ultrasound around 35 weeks and determine a plan for delivery. I keep going back and forth (and my hematologist and OB apparently do too) on whether or not to switch to Heparin at the end. If I stick with Lovenox, I will have to be induced. If I switch to Heparin, I could go into labor naturally but there is a possibility I will not be given an epidural. There is something that can reverse the effects of heparin and therefore reduce the risk of a spinal hematoma but according to my hemo, anesthesiologists are a nervous bunch and do not want to risk a law suit.

So, I am leaning toward staying on Lovenox, being induced and seeing what happens with the idea of a natural labor. I am going to really stress that we wait as long as possible to induce though. I was this baby to be in there as long as he wants to be.

This is how Baby Hudson is sitting at the moment.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

26 weeks - New picture

I guess it's time to post another picture so here goes. 26 weeks! Oh, I cropped off my head because I look so cheesy. :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Goodbye 2011, welcome 2012!

Christmas was wonderful this year. It felt like we went all out on decorations, drove around to look at lights all month long, made cookies, saw Santa, visited with family and enjoyed each other’s company. I certainly can’t complain. Jack was really into Christmas this year and understood more about Santa and the elves. The elves visited our house each night to leave him a candy cane if he was a good boy that day. They would then report back to Santa. Every morning Jack would look for that candy cane and say, “The elves came!” It was so fun to watch. He wasn’t ready to sit on Santa’s lap but he did like seeing him. We also wrote a letter to Santa, which was reciprocated on Christmas Eve. J

One of my favorite moments was Jack’s Christmas pageant at church. He was among 15 or so children and had some verses to say while he was dressed as an angel. We practiced all month long and that child knew his lines. They were, “For behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” I mean he was ready! When he walked out as an angel my heart melt ed. I sat in the front row in case something happened. Well, after about a minute, he start

ed walking down to me and said he was all done. He wanted his costume off. I tried for a second to keep it on but to no avail. Then it was his turn, I was throwing off his costume and begging him to say his lines. After what seemed like 5 minutes of silence, I grabbed the microphone and asked him to say it to me. He finally did but the mic was turned down and no one heard him. Hahahaha. I have to laugh because it really was priceless.

We also decided it was time to potty-train Jack. I had a feeling that he wouldn’t go on the floor if he had no pants on so that is what I decided to do. Sure enough after about a day of reminders, he told me when he had to go potty! He’s only had a few accidents and I feel so blessed! I guess he wasn’t ready until now and this morning he told me he was going to teach baby how to go to the potty. J No more diapers for us! (except for night time).

Other than my miserable cold that I had almost the entire two-weeks I was off, it was a great Christmas and now on to 2012!

I have an appointment with my Dr. on Friday for my glucose screening and growth ultrasound. I can’t wait to see our little guy! He’s been more active lately and I feel him more from left to right so I’m wondering if he’s trying to flip to head-down. He is still super low and constantly on my bladder, which is no fun. I let you know more after my appointment on Friday.