Friday, January 6, 2012

26 w 6d Ultrasound

Eric and I had our appointment today and they did the Gestational Diabetes test, growth ultrasound, and office visit. I passed the GD test (yay!) and my ultrasound was great. The baby was moving around so much and we got to see everything. He is breech at the moment but still has plenty of time to turn. (the picture below shows exactly how he is sitting now.) According to some measurements, he weights 2lb 9oz, which is in the 93 percentile! Woah! Jack was in the 78 percentile at this point. I’m not going to worry about it too much because they were off by almost a pound when Jack was born. I have great pictures of his feet but that’s about it. When the tech turned on the 4d machine, the baby had his hands in front of his face and wouldn’t move them. I did get to see some chubby cheeks though and I swear he looks like Jack. J

I have gained 14 lbs overall, which I am thrilled with! I was sure I gained a lot over the holidays but I was spared. J I am measuring a week ahead (28 weeks), which was the case with Jack too. I am going to start going every two weeks now, which I really can’t believe. I thought that started later. I feel like this train is moving fast now and leaving me behind! I’ve got to get ready.

I will get another growth ultrasound around 35 weeks and determine a plan for delivery. I keep going back and forth (and my hematologist and OB apparently do too) on whether or not to switch to Heparin at the end. If I stick with Lovenox, I will have to be induced. If I switch to Heparin, I could go into labor naturally but there is a possibility I will not be given an epidural. There is something that can reverse the effects of heparin and therefore reduce the risk of a spinal hematoma but according to my hemo, anesthesiologists are a nervous bunch and do not want to risk a law suit.

So, I am leaning toward staying on Lovenox, being induced and seeing what happens with the idea of a natural labor. I am going to really stress that we wait as long as possible to induce though. I was this baby to be in there as long as he wants to be.

This is how Baby Hudson is sitting at the moment.

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