Thursday, January 12, 2012

27w 5d So tired

I am so tired. Ever since Christmas, Jack has been waking up between 5:30 – 6:30am with 4:45 and 5am stuck in there. With the 3rd trimester fast approaching and the exhaustion that comes with that, I’m not sure I can continue like this! Ugh, I know I can because I survived on less sleep when Jack was born but it was no fun. I’m not sure what to do with him but I’m hoping he will get back to his regular schedule.

So, Tuesday night I started having contractions around 7:30pm. When I noticed they were happening repeatedly, I started drinking more water and sat down. They were coming every 3 minutes but weren’t painful but were noticeable – like cramping. Then I laid on my side and they slowed down. I wasn’t ever worried because I knew if I called the dr. they would tell me to drink water and lay on my side or go to the ER, which I didn’t think was necessary. The same thing happened with Jack around this time and it was fine. I ended up having 14 contractions in 2 hours or so and then was fine. I called the dr. the next day and they told me that if I consistently get 6 or more in an hour I will need to come into the office.

I have my next appointment on Jan 20, which will be pretty routine. I’ll update after the appointment.

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