Tuesday, November 29, 2011

21w 3d

There is not much new to report but I thought I would check in. Most days I feel pretty good but there are some, today is one, where I'm not feeling that well. I'm not sure if anything triggers it. I don't think so and I have heard where some women are ok for a few weeks and then in the middle late part of the pregnancy they begin to feel sick again. Blech.

Jack is really liking the idea of a little brother. Yesterday he told me and Eric that Daddy, Mommy, Baby Brother and Jack would make a good team. :) I swear, he melts my heart on a daily basis. He's also telling people that the baby will cry a lot and that he's going to rock it and feed it. I'm trying to get him to understand that babies cry and that is their way of communicating. I want him to be as prepared as he can be.

That's about it. I have a routine appointment on December 9th and will get another ultrasound around the second week of January to check the growth. I'm feeling the little guy daily but it's still not strong enough for Eric to feel. The picture I've posted is from 21 weeks.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Well, I just couldn't do it. 18w6d

I thought I could wait to find out what we're having but I just couldn't! Eric and I went in, I gave the tech the card and told her what we were planning. Toward the end of the ultrasound, she told me she was getting ready to measure the legs so I might see something if I looked. I didn't turn away and I really thought I saw something. At the very end I said, ok, we want to know! She asked me what I thought it was and I said boy. She said you're right! Yay! We're having another sweet boy! I was hoping for another boy like Jack. I know all kids are different but it's going to be so great for him to have a little brother.

We got to see the baby yawn, play with the umbilical cord and bounce around. It is such a neat experience. I could feel the baby while she was doing the scan. Everything looked perfect and the baby is measuring 3 days ahead, which is totally normal. The pictures we have aren't that great but I'll try to post some. The heart rate was 154. I was kind of starting to think it was going to be a girl.

I go back in on December 9 for a routine checkup at 22weeks then I go in at 26 weeks for the diabetes testing, and I'll get another ultrasound at 28 weeks to check on the growth. Things are really moving fast now!

Eric and I went over to his grandma's house to tell them and Jack. We told Jack alone and he just looked at us when we said he was going to have a little brother but when we asked if he was excited he said yes! The we wanted him to tell everyone else. He wouldn't do it for a few minutes but then told everyone he was going to have a little brother! I think he's excited. :)

This 11/11/11 is turning out to be a pretty great day.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Exciting Week! 18w 5d

Tomorrow Eric and I will have the anatomy scan where they will look at all of the baby's body parts and tell us if everything is fine. Normally, people also find out the gender. I'm wondering if we're going to see something that gives us a clue. I wouldn't be too upset if that happened. :)

I am also feeling the baby now. I've been feeling what I thought was the baby for a few weeks but it's only one bump and then nothing for days. Now, consistently, I feel him/her after dinner when I'm sitting on the couch. What reminded me that I needed to do this entry was feeling the baby while sitting at my desk. It is really the coolest and most surreal thing ever. There is a life in there! It still blows my mind.

Jack has made up his mind that he wants a girl and he wants to name her Princess. That comes from one of his favorite cartoons. :) I don't think he'll be too disappointed if it is a boy though. He's been rocking his baby doll and feeding it, etc so he'll be ready for the baby. I think he is so excited! I hope it stays that was once he/she is here. I'm still thinking boy but now I'm not 95% certain like I was before.

Aggg! I can't wait for our appointment tomorrow. I'll have some pictures and will scan them as soon as I can.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

17w 3day Appointment

I went into this appointment thinking that I probably hadn't gained much weight because I really haven't been eating much more than I normally do. I really haven't been all that hungry. I was very wrong. I gained 6 pounds in ONE month! I just don't know what to say. The doctor said it was ok but that he didn't want me to gain 6 pounds every month. I'm hoping it was my breakfast bar and coffee (decaf) that I had before the appointment. I'm trying not to worry about it but have started watching what I eat.

The baby's heartbeat was strong and around 152. All is well. Next week we'll have the anatomy scan and I can't wait to see the baby again! We debated taking Jack with us but I think we'll leave him at his Nan's house. The appointment could be 30 minutes or more and I don't think he'll sit there that long.

I talked to the doctor about being induced or not and it doesn't look like I'll have much of a choice. Contrary to what my hematologist says, they do not what me on blood thinners when I give birth because that increases the chances of bleeding more. Hopefully we can just wait as long as possible before they induce. I know it will be within a week of the due date, so anywhere between March 31 and April 7. Last time they induced with Jack and I had not progressed at all. The doctor was afraid they would have to give me another round of pitocin. I don't want that to happen again.

Ok, pic of me at 17 weeks. I'll let you know how it goes next week!