Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dr. Visit 31w 2d

Yesterday I had my routine check-up and brought up all of the contractions that I've been having. on Super bowl Sunday night (go Giants!) I had contractions 2-4 minutes apart for 2 1/2 hours. This was after lying down and drinking as much water as I possibly could. The doctor checked me and there has been no change so apparently the contractions aren't doing anything. He also did a fibronectin test, which tells him if I'm going to deliver in 2 weeks. I can't imagine that it will be positive if everything else looks fine.

I am happy that all is well but confused as to when I should be worried. I asked the Dr. about that and he said if I have that many contractions I should call but unless it is keeping me up at night, it does not require a hospital visit. That is helpful because I was considering that on Sunday.

Baby boy is also still breech. I know I have time but he is also measuring 33 weeks instead of 31, which is where I am now. I just worry that the bigger he is, the harder it will be for him to turn. I still have plenty of time though. The Dr. will try and turn him if he can but that won't happen until 37 weeks and they do that in the hospital b/c 1% of the time, that can cause women to go into labor. Prayers that this baby will flip would be appreciated!

That is it for now. I'm feeling ok - just tired and tired of these contractions. 8 more weeks to go :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Jennifer, you look amazing!! I will say a prayer that baby boy flips! Glad that the contractions weren't anything to worry too much about. Still can't believe you are so close to delivering!
