Wednesday, February 29, 2012

34w 4d Switching to Heparin

Well, I visited with my Hematologist Tuesday and because the baby is still transverse and the possibility is there that I could go into spontaneous labor before my induction at 39 weeks, I will be switching to Heparin at 37 weeks. If I were to go into labor with a breech/transverse baby while still on Lovenox, I would have to be up under general anesthesia to have the baby. Apparently there are risks to getting an epidural when you have lovenox in your system, which lasts 24 hours. Heparin has a much shorter half-life.

Soooo, all that said, I might not need to be induced at all! I'm going to talk to my OB but my Hematologist doesn't think I need to be induced and I'm hoping that will be the thought of my Ob. I would love to have things happen naturally when the baby is ready.

I go back to the Ob on March 5 for a growth ultrasound and visit and then I'll start going weekly. I haven't been having nearly as many contractions but have been having more general pain, I guess you could say. It's more painful to walk the way he is positioned, and he is constantly kicking me in the bladder and cervix - way more than Jack did. I think this boy looks low and I'm not sure if he could get any lower but we'll see.

That's it for now!

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