Monday, June 6, 2011

God is Good!

Going into the weekend, I was very nervous about what would happen when I miscarried. I was armed with pain killers and ready whenever the pain would begin. Saturday Jack and I played at the park and took a nap together and played in the sprinkler. It was a pretty good day. I was feeling some discomfort but nothing too bad. We had dinner and I was hurting a little bit more and took one pain pill. I was getting very nervous at this point. Eric and I played old Nintendo games and had a good night (Not the best anniversary but it wasn’t as bad as I was expecting it to be). By the time we went to bed, the worst was over. I could not believe it. The pain was not even a tenth of what it was the first time. I was praising God! He has really answered my prayers and carried me through this process. Eric and I were both amazed.

This morning (Monday) I had an ultrasound and saw the doctor. He said everything was great and there was no reason why we could try again in a month. He did tell me that they will start me on progesterone supplements to be safe and test me for some obscure things that could cause a problem. He said that because I had Jack in between two miscarriages, I was not at a higher risk for another.

I think I am going to keep this blog for the next baby. It will remind me of the peace I’ve been given and the lessons I’ve learned going through this process. Even though God did not answer the prayers to save my baby, I know that he has something even better in store for my family and I am looking forward to the future.

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