Friday, May 27, 2011

Prayers Needed

I actually wasn’t too nervous going into the appointment yesterday. I’ve been feeling nauseated, super tired, very hungry, and all seemed well. The tech began the ultrasound and after a few seconds we saw our little baby. I wasn’t able to see a strong flicker of the heart like I could with Jack but I did see something. The tech told us there was a flicker and the heartbeat measured at 100bpm. When she measured the baby, it was only measuring 6weeks 1day. In 2 weeks time, it only grew one week in size. I felt like our nightmare in 2008 was happening again. What are the chances that we could miscarry again?!

I asked the tech if 100 was good and she said it could have just started beating and that I’ll probably have to come in again to have it checked. We were given a picture of our baby and Eric and I headed to the red chairs to wait for Dr. Taavon. Soon we were called into his office. He told us that anything under 100 was low for a fetal heartbeat and that he would like for us to come in next Thursday for a follow-up ultrasound to make sure everything was ok. He said he is not as concerned with the size of the baby because ultrasounds can be off by 3-5 days, which is why he wants to check the heartbeat again. He also said there is cause for concern but not alarm. One thing that makes me feel a bit better is that Jack’s heartbeat at 6weeks 3days was 107 – not too far off.

Right now I am just sad and scared. I am trying to be positive but I just have this feeling that everything is not ok. I know that God has a plan and is in complete control and I need to give all of this to him. All I can do is pray and I ask those who might be reading this to pray for the baby – that the heartbeat increases and the growth speeds up, peace for me and Eric to trust in the Lord no matter what happens, and the strength to get through this.

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